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How APIs enhance EMS and BMS solutions

How APIs enhance EMS and BMS solutions

Much of the day-to-day process and operational management of modern enterprises is now handled by a variety of different software applications. In the property and facilities management vertical, Building and Energy Management systems provide one example of this, providing a unified means of controlling local environmental and other conditions, across multi-site operations, from the cloud.

All such systems must communicate with each other if the sum of the advantages they can deliver is to exceed the value of the individual component parts. For instance, an application that ingests and processes operating data must be able to share the information it gathers with a billing application to generate revenue and a dashboard-building application to create management reports. Applications aren’t fully effective if they perform only in isolation from each other.

So, how do applications communicate?  Principally through Application Programming Interfaces, and that’s what we’ll investigate in this blog. Understanding APIs - what they are, how they work, and the benefits they deliver- is critical if you want to fully leverage your investment in software and choose individual solutions themselves. We’ll do that by answering five fundamental questions.

What is an API?

An API (Application Programming Interface) is a means of communicating with a software process or device from another program. An increasing number of applications, devices and processes now have APIs to enable them to be easily and quickly integrated with their counterparts or controlled from a remote server. A popular API architectural style for web services is REST, which provides a consistent, flexible and efficient interface for developers.

What do APIs mean for data integration and processing?

While you can use reporting and command interfaces provided by different vendors, doing so creates a situation where you must run multiple parallel systems – or silos as they are commonly referenced. The available data from the systems in this scenario then becomes scattered between them. With APIs, you can combine data and consolidate it into a single platform that has visibility of a multitude of different processes and systems. So, for example, you can add reporting from water monitoring systems to that from HVACs, or temperature sensors. 

To achieve this, you need to make certain there is API-level integration with the systems in question so that changes in KPIs and status can be captured. The data is requested and obtained via API calls made by the master platform so it can be aggregated and normalized in a common data format with a common GUI to enable access and produce consolidated reports. 

What do APIs mean for sharing data across different systems?

As we’ve broadly established, APIs make communication and interaction between different software systems, services, and applications easier. There are a variety of specific ways in which APIs enhance data sharing. They include:

  • APIs standardize communication between applications by defining rules and protocols that allow different software components and systems to interact with each other in a standardized way for consistency and reliability of data sharing.
  • APIs enable access to and retrieval of data from remote sources or services. This enables data to be accessed from databases, web services, or other repositories.
  • Enterprise data, as we know, must be integrated from multiple sources into a single application or system to enhance its value. APIs enable this. Operational data from different sources (both internal and external) often needs to be aggregated and analyzed before its total value can be unlocked, so this function is critical.
  • Access to real-time performance information is the gold standard, powering fast, accurate decision-making and APIs can provide real-time data updates by allowing systems to send and receive data as it becomes available or as changes are made.
  • Data often needs to be shared between different platforms and technologies, which may have been built using different programming languages or frameworks. APIs solve this problem by fetching data regardless of apparent incompatibilities.
  • APIs simplify the process of sharing data not only between systems, platforms, and applications but also between entire organizations or entities. Rather than sharing entire datasets, organizations can expose specific APIs to allow controlled access to their data, reducing the risk of data leaks or unauthorized access.
  • APIs can enable software developers to customize and extend the functionality of existing systems or services. This enables you to tailor data-sharing capabilities to your specific needs.

There is more, but the above list clarifies why APIs can and should be playing a crucial role in enhancing data sharing within your organization.Top of FormBottom of Form

How do APIs enhance EMS & BMS solutions?

In general terms, APIs enhance your EMS and BMS solutions by enabling you to accrue more value from your initial investment in your chosen application. This can be seen in several different ways:

  • APIs can extend the functionality of your applications via integration with third- party services, libraries, and platforms. This increases the value they can deliver. New data sources can be more easily added, extending the value of the primary EMS and BMS platform.
  • APIs give you a standardized way to access potentially valuable data from third-party sources, including real-time data (for example, weather services or financial information) that can be integrated into your applications to automate responses.
  • By easing cross-platform compatibility issues, APIs help assure data consistency and make your EMS/BMS more versatile in how it can be used within the broader organization.
  • APIs can deliver improved end-value for your customers by providing access to features and data outside your system’s core functionality.
  • APIs make integration with broader software ecosystems more straightforward, which allows an application to become part of a more comprehensive enterprise management solution.

There are many other benefits, but even this brief list demonstrates the compelling advantages that APIs can deliver to your organization.

What’s the NexRev approach?

In the interconnected world of smart buildings, APIs have emerged as critical elements in the architecture of modern Building Management Systems (BMS). At NexRev, we think of APIs as an essential 'connective tissue,' linking various systems, devices, and applications within a BMS.

As we’ve seen, they facilitate seamless data sharing and integration, enabling an unprecedented level of interoperability and functionality. By leveraging APIs, a BMS can gain holistic, real-time insights into building operations, enabling more efficient management, predictive maintenance, and energy optimization. Effective API implementation can unlock the full potential of a modern BMS, fostering smarter, more efficient, and sustainable buildings. That’s why our API is available – allowing more and more data to be collected and shared across platforms by our Freedom BMS / EMS – to give you more value.

About NexRev

At NexRev, we’ve been unlocking the power of facility and energy management data with over a million connected devices across North America. Our team of experts is focused on helping you deliver more with your budgets, infrastructure, and assets to create sustainable savings in operations and energy, reducing your risk and increasing operational confidence.

To begin a discussion on how we can help you  reduce energy waste, please email us at This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.

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