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What is the best way to reduce humidity?

What is the best way to reduce humidity?

For most building managers, humidity is a subtle rather than always-obvious, front-of-mind enemy. But it’s an enemy that negatively impacts occupant comfort and can lead to other negative outcomes like mold growth and damage to materials, so it needs to be taken seriously. In this blog, we’ll look at how humidity can be managed or, better yet, reduced. Fortunately, a variety of steps can be taken, the most immediate of which involves your HVAC system.

Get on top of ventilation and airflows

One area to focus on is proper airflow design. This can help prevent (or eliminate) stagnant air pockets where moisture can flourish and accumulate. Appropriately placed ceiling fans can promote better air circulation into these areas.  Inspect your facility for leaks to identify gaps in windows, doors, and the building envelope. Once identified, you can seal any openings that allow humid outdoor air to enter. If indicated, consider using strategically placed desiccant materials such as silica gel or calcium chloride, as these absorb moisture from the air.

Of course, the above steps are reactive. You can also take a proactive approach to controlling moisture at the source.  Pay attention to activities that introduce moisture, such as using large amounts of water in different cleaning processes. It may sound simple, but doing so can produce results. And keep on top of your building’s plumbing: if there are any issues (leaks are the obvious example), promptly address them to prevent the introduction of additional moisture.

DrivePak is the answer

NexRev’s DrivePak system is a proven way to optimize HVAC system performance to better tackle humidity. DrivePak is programmed locally using precise measurements and proprietary NexRev configuration toolsets and software, which can be set to enable humidity reduction.

Lower humidity levels feel cooler, allowing thermostats to be set several degrees higher and still achieve optimal comfort. This is where cost saving and efficiency are achieved as each one-degree increase in the target temperature translates to a three percent reduction in energy use.

DrivePak can be retrofitted into HVAC units that are already operational or field installed into new units to capture the maximum savings possible for each unique facility.

About NexRev

At NexRev, we’ve been unlocking the power of facility and energy management data with over a million connected devices across North America. Our team of experts is focused on helping you deliver more with your budgets, infrastructure, and assets to create sustainable savings in operations and energy, reducing your risk and increasing operational confidence.

To begin a discussion on how we can help you to reduce energy waste, please email us at This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.

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